Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Unfortunately I don't think I will finish before school starts, because of the pickup being delayed.
I'm posting a video on the guitar a Kimberly's youtube. It has been done for a month, but I didn't post it.
One last thing we're starting school on the 17th! This is the last week of vacation.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Still here-- read on

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Check the post below its new too!
My next post will be on my completed guitar, but for now i have a request to write on my feelings. Yes I have requests- but not from here.
Let's see.. hummmmm, Well today at church Kimberly and I went early to practice with the worship team.
it went really well. We both are learning tons. It's pretty challenging keeping up with all the great musicains there. I feel excited everytime we go. The sermon this Sunday was also great. But great is not really the word- filled with the Spirit. I felt really blessed by the message. It was focused on choosing Christ and surrendering youtself to Christ, and how obedience is pleasing to God and disobediece cuts us away from God. Thanks Reading.
Nathan out!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Kimberly was mentioning to me how interesting it is reading her old diary. She told me a few thoughts and experiences she had written and I think it is so cool especially because she has grown so much. I wish I hadn't thrown away my old notebook, but I have one going right now. oh... he reason I threw out the old on was because I thought it was to silly.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Till Tomorrow
Out of clear lacquer so tomorrow I'll see if I can find some in Kona. If I can't I'll plan to assemble the guitar to do some sound tests and see how all the black parts fit the natural and white. I might just buy some white parts if the black doesn't look right.
Musically Kimberly and I are planning to record a song, but thats still a week away.
Kimberly and Michael's recording was great.
This Saturday we'll be going to watch and help the church worship team set up for Sunday. Then we'll go early Sunday when they practice.
i'm distracted right now. Can't think of much to post. I just like reporting not talking. oh well
next time.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

As you can see we made a few nicks and dents, but overall I think the guitar looks great. Also Kimberly and I learned how to better replace inlays next time. I love custom.
This post was all guitar wasn't it? Well on the flip side, I just finish the book This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti. Not only did I thoughly enjoy it, but the spiritual message is inspiring and awakening. I was so engrossed in this book that today I almost didn't notice we had an accident while driving to Waimea- and no I wasn't driving. And also I wasn't reading the time I could of had an accident when driving home from Puako- We are all safe so please don't worry. I am still driving though ( I'm not worrying abou that but you can).Joking, joking. This book rocks. Nuff said. (try that on a book report)
Monday, June 8, 2009
I bought abalone dot inlays to replace the white ones and a nut to replace the plastic one.

My dad and I have been talking about buying a mic so Kim can record properly. Even though I have found one I don't want be to fast to buy. First it takes a good deal of dedication of time and energy to record music and second Kim doesn't want to record with a mic.
She likes recording with the camcorder which for our level the perfect. Now I'd like to mention that if you saw Kim's latest production: yes I was in it; no I'm not doing it again.
I fully believe and know I can't sing. Amen.
Last thing I toke a PSAT at home today from a booklet. Score: 173 that's average I think. Top scores are 200 to 220
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In truth I've let the guitar take over my mind. I'm putting it back in the correct perspective.
To glorify God and learn a few things. I should also be focusing on learning about God and heavenly things.
Monday, June 1, 2009

For hardware I plan the upgrade the pickups and pickguard which is black.
Augghhh!! Blogger has an internal error and I can upload any pictures for the moment!Well I'll try tomorrow. bye
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What's been up
For everyone who doesn't know, I've been working on a Saga guitar kit I received from my parents. Because today I just laid on the first coats of paint I decided it was time to write something and post some pictures.
This is the plain headstock. I found a design I liked from a yamaha sg electric.

I cut the design with a coping saw and rasp (curved file)
Now the paint. As I said before natural with a stripe design
I cut out the design with a razor blade.

I did three coats. Now to take off the tape.. tomorrow
Thursday, May 14, 2009
! 1 Day to wait!
Hi all
Tomorrow is my birthday, tomorrow is my birthday, tomorrow is my birthday....
That was alittle immature, but I'm very excited. Also today I finished all my Abeka exams!!!!!!!!
(that's exclamation fasination [ what ever that means?])... thats just me acting - different ( I think? )
Well.... glad it's my birthday's once a year, and here is a guitar design idea!!!!!!!
natural with white strips

Monday, May 11, 2009
A Poem
Saturday, May 2, 2009
MAY time
May is my favorite month. Not only am I finishing school in a week, but my birthday's in May!On Friday i completed lesson 163. Only seven lessons to go!! I'm really excited to be out. I'm not done with my recording yet, but I have laid down a noisey tamborine. Last will be my voice> <
Kimberly has been sick for the past week, but she almost fully recovered. I'm really glad she's better. It's so hard seeing her so tired, always half asleep, coughing, and weak:(
But she better now so we're all thankful to God.
Mike and I will be practicing Christmas song together over the summer- if Michael cooperates.
-I mean wants to-
Did I mention only one week of school left?
Because of the great cost of making a guitar I want to wait longer(not too long). There are few other projects that might need more attention.
Signing out, Nathan
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Dad's birthday is tomorrow!! yaaae! But for tonight were going out to YWAM.
This is only the second time. YWAM( Youth With A Mission) is a discipleship training center and they have a university there too. I'm interested in maybe going for DTS ( Discipleship Training School? - not completely sure about the "S"). Not sure if I will, if you can tell indecision is one of my enemies.
I've been trying to get creative. Writing a song, drawing guitar designs, writing a poem(schoolwork). I will post the poem, but the song might take longer. I hope to have some finished products.
Only two weeks of school!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ultimate Update
This is the first of hopefully more Ultimate Updates
First, today was lesson 153 in abeka. Only 17 more lessons to go, which means i will be done with school before my birthday- yaaaaaa! Also I should be preparing for the SAT and GED, but I don't how ready i really am? i guess the best would be to just take it.
Lately I've been looking up some great guitar lessons online. The most helpful and advanced are at gibson.com. As a summer project i've been looking up guitar kits, just the ones that require some assembley, not any wood working. I've really got into it, especially all the upgrades and customizations I could do. that for now. Nathan
Friday, April 3, 2009
Right Now

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Today I'll be editing a music video with the assistant director of the music video.
Though I'm not too familiar with the editing program (Vegas video 7) i hope to get a strong finished product. I was there for the filming and want to bring back to them a half decent music video.
Kimberly and I will hopefully record some songs (not our own) and post them on the blogs:)
i really want to do this. So soon hopefully soon!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Okay, see ya! Kimberly
Friday, March 20, 2009
Well now?
It will be less confusing now I think, but unfortunetly there will be no more flower pictures.
Kim and I are still involved in a film class led by a pastor, but we both hope to use what we learn
in film that is in the preproduction process now led by two friends.
In eary May we will be done with school, yea!!! Lastly I got a driving permit so I'm on the road
( with my parents). Driving has really been fun!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Urgent News
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wow! What a life!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Define Abekian?
Abekian ( a bek e in) noun
one who uses abeka homeschool materials, a person engrossed in excessive study to point of mental break
{ This artilce is for those intersted in Abeka or desire to be an Abekian. The criteria expressed here is the view of only one Abekian, whose identity will not be revealed at this or any other time}
As an Abekian I believe forming an Akebekian club would be benefitting to all Abekians. Here listed after are some Abekian resolutions I believe could be a foundation for this organization:
1) One must solemnly dedicate his life to the Abeka institute and its furthering.
2) All and any of your children will attend Abeka or use Abeka materials.
3) You will obey all Abekain laws to be determined at a later date.
4) You will love and enjoy classes conducted by Mr. McBride.
5) You will never pause a video teacher unless he consents. [ may not be applicable to all]
Questions will be taken on this blog.
When was this written?
A. Very. very, very, very late. tenish
Memo to author by author:
Extensive proof reading reveals weaknesses in foundational resolutions.
Club will disbanded as of 10:26 pm.
to yourself, nathan
History of Abekian Club: 22:10- 22:26
Anyone who toke the time to read that!- thanks
To any and all relatives who read that, that is not what an Abekian is.
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Lilies of the Valley

Monday, February 23, 2009
Michael and Nathan Got Pure Awsomeness!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Cool Video!!! Click Here!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Here to update on scary happenings!! :( By Michael :)
I have just went through a frightening experience. To big and scary to explain in the human language.....maybe I have to use some French here an there but that's no help to me, I don't know any French. Maybe the most that I know is Bojuoar.....is that how you say it? Beside the point I had a super duper mega cyber and whatever else you say experience! What is the super duper mega cyber and whatever else you say experience was! Well I will tell you! What is it? Well I shall tell you! Good grief you think I am writing this post to bore your minds! That is only part of it. The super duper mega cyber ULTIMATE and whatever else you say experience was!!!!!!! Let me catch my breathe.....and finger power.....well it was......a dentist appointment! If you haven't fainted yet you are a very strong minded person, yes All Who Read, I was going through none other than a dentist appointment. Now if you still haven't fainted you are a person who does surgery to other people or a dentist. Now I won't excite you with the details but my dentist, and I won't mention names!.....Dr. Kubo. He was mangling me! Literally! I am surprised I am still alive from the conscious death to myself. I thought my days were over when I saw the light in my eyes....or was it just the light that they put on so they can see inside your mouth and you get a tan on your face? Whatever you call that blinding weapon it was used on me too! After a half hour they were done with me and my dad took us out for Chinese/Mexican food for lunch. That was the watered down version of that moment. ;) :) Sorry for the drama but I have to let out somewhere! I mean squeaky voices get to you after all. And all you Abeka academy students know exactly who I am talking about! Hahaha! I hope you had a good time reading this as I had typing it! Remember the Lord Jesus Loves you and is waiting for you to say hello! :)
An add on to da last post
Now, also, I wanted to say that we have recorded a song on the computer. Probably most of you don't know it, but for all of you Sanctus Real fans out there (you know who you are) it was "I Love You" and it's simple bec. the only instrument in it is an acoustic guitar! Anyway, I wanted to put the recording on the blog, but we can't really firgure out how. I'm pretty sure it's complex, so we probably won't be able to :(
It was fun recording it, though. Nate and I played guitar. I sang most of it, but Nathan came in on the chorus! Thanks, Nathan! It give it a stronger sound when there are two singing rather then just one. Kimberly~
Just a picture taken by Nathan. He constantly takes pictures of things :P This is the electric guitar entwined with Christmas lights. If you haven't guess already, it was taken during Christmas time. (Gee, I talked a lot about Nathan in this post!)
Back!- from no where
It's nathan writing. Tomorrow Kim and I are going to film class, it's an eight week course with this being the third week. Meanwhile I've been researching recording interfaces for recording music, but for now Kim and I just use a small microphone. I won't be buying any equippment soon though, because I have enough to learn right now with the guitar, this film class, and simple recording now!! I need some patience, just went to the music store yesterday and was ready to buy the first telecaster I saw ( I already have a starcaster). It is better to see all the great gagets I have already, so blessed by God! Thanks for reading.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The blues
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Patience will last....a few minutes!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Michael Writing: In a Long Time!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
~A flood of dreams~
It's funny...every night, I lie in bed and think of all of the wonderful things I want to do! I make a huge, wonderful list, and get exciting, thinking I'm going to do it all by the end of the next day. But when the next day does come around I'm usually tired and grumpy. It seems at night of flood of high spirits---a flood of dreams comes over me that the next day I forget about...or if I don't forget about them, I'm not excited by them. I don't want to do them because I have "other things" to do....There are good days, though. Days when I accomplish everything on my mental list. I love those days!
Michael wants to use the computer! Doesn't it seem like whenever you want to sit down and do something, a complication prevents you from it! But, really, I love life! Kimberly~
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Poetry is beautiful
"Stanza's on Freedom" by James Russel Lowell (this is only the last paragraph...there are 4 in the whole poem, though)
They are slaves who fear to speak
For the fallen and the weak;
They are slaves who will not choose
Hatred, scoffing, and abuse,
Rather than in silence shrink
From the truth they needs must think;
They are slaves who dare not be
In the right with two or three.
Love this poem for it's stength and truth! It's speaking about going against slavery...
"Humility" by Robert Herrick
Humbe we must be, if to Heaven we go:
High is the roof there; but the gate is low:
When e're thou speak'st, look with a lowly eye:
Grace is increased by humility.
Love the short sweetness of this one.
"The Quarrel" by Eleanor Farjeon
I quarreled with my brother,
I don't know what about,
One thing led to another,
And somehow we fell out.
The start of it was slight,
The end of it was strong,
He said he was right,
I knew he was wrong!
We hated one another.
The afternoon turned black.
The suddenly my brother
Thumped me on the back,
And said, "Oh, come along!
We can't go on all night--
I was in the wrong."
So he was in the right.
This poem spoke to me the first time I read it! You can imagine, since I have two brothers :P
"The Loveliest of Trees" by A.E. Housman
Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough,
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Eastertide.
Now, of my threescore years and ten,
Twenty will not come again,
And take from seventy springs a score,
It only leaves me fifty more.
And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty springs are little room,
About the woodlands I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow.
Could you figure out how old the man was who wrote the poem? In the second stanza it says....Well, he's 20. I just liked the poem so I thought I'd put it on.
Okay, these are just a few poems that I liked from my reading in Literature class. I used to hate reading the poems, the stories were okay, but the poems were dreaded, but now I truly enjoy reading both. I think I can finally understand (some of) them and appretiate them (to a certain extent). I'm not crazy about poetry now, or anything like that, but I have always enjoyed reading things, and this is something I have added to my list.
I can really appretiate my schooling cirriculum now, because without A Beka, I don't know what I'd be learning. I know I probably wouldn't be reading poetry, and I probably wouldn't be taught how to enjoy, apprecitate, and glean off of it. Yet, I still can't understand Shakespeare without my teacher explaning it! haha.
Have to get back to other things now! Kimberly
Monday, January 19, 2009
(no title)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
new tabs rock
school has been really busy ( I won't begin with this all the time so just assume I'm busy with school) :) . I found some guitar music by Leeland, and i'm having lots of fun playing. I especially like Opposite Way and Let it Out Now. Also Kim, Mike, and I are all involved in an up coming movie directed by two sisters. The movie has a great vision. well that's for now
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Well, I guess I'll try to duplicate it.
Usually people make new years resolutions but I don't think I will be making one this year because people never keep them. I actually never have made one because it's always been sorta pointless. The idea of making a resolution in the beginning of the year with the idea lingering in the back of my head that they will probably forget about it in a few months is not something I want to do. Of course, I'm not against them and I don't think people who make them are bad! No! I just don't want to make one right now.
I do have goals, though, and plans that I hope to carry out. One of them is, like Nathan said, to practice guitar more often. We have had lessons for almost a year, but stopped them in October and ever since then we have been extremely lazy about working on something seriously. We do pick up the guitar and strum for a while, but we don't really work on anything new. So that's why we want to practice and keep up note reading and make sure our hands don't get weak.
But, let me tell you, it is very hard for us to even sit down and try to practice, which is why this is a big thing for us! We're like the two magnets with the same poles facing each other...rebelling and trying to push away...haha, that's a funny analogy! But, really, I am very stubborn when it comes to guitar and practicing with Nathan :P
The other day we went to the beach with some friends for almost the whole afternoon and it was really fun! Surprisingly, even though we live in Hawaii and have beautiful beaches within our reach, we don't go as often as we ought to. But we did have a lot of fun, although, the waves on the right side of the beach were really huge! I can swim alright, but I do NOT enjoy swimming with gigantic waves coming in with full force against me with the power to smash me into the sand! Not my thing, but thanks....So we went off to the left side where it was calmer.
We all got a few cuts and bruises from the rocks and stuff (some funny stories with them) but overall it was fun and I slept well that night from exhaustion---that shows how unfit I am!
Well, we might play tennis today so I'd better be off. God is so good.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
my first post

Friday, January 2, 2009
First post from Michael.
Thursday, January 1, 2009