It's scary to think that I'm going to have to be learning Spanish this year (next school year)! I really don't want to because, after seeing the agony Nathan has had to go through with it (studying constantly....CONSTANTLY!) I fear it.....! It's now mandatory so I HAVE to...no option. Sadly, most of the people I know who have learned a language forget it after they graduate and never really use it. So, in my eyes, if you don't use the language you learn, it's going to be a huge wast of time, energy, and peace of mind. On the other had, if I were to learn a language (and I have to..there's no getting out of it) I would probably make it a point to use it since I was putting so much time into it..sigh. Maybe I would get a Spanish friend or something..who knows?
Watched a war movie the other day. It was soooo sad! I really can't watch that kinda show without side affects later on....( I just tried to desperately make a crying smilie face but couldn't...sorry). Anyway, I did cry after it (nobody knows this but I guess they will now..). It was so heartbreaking because only one guy lived at the end and he wasn't even it good one! Why do the good guys always die??!! But I guess I should give the moral of it, seeing I've told enough about it already. There was an atheist and a Mormon and in the end, the Mormon died but the atheist lived...However, the atheist became a Mormon at the end (also, the Mormon saved the atheist's life..self sacrifice, you know).
"There is no greater love then this: that a man lay down his life for his friends" Amen to that.
There's, of course, more to it, but it's extremely heart rending. I guess we all have that soft spot in our hearts for the men who fight for our country. God bless them and help them through all of the tragedy they see. I know I can't imagine it.
My heart aches at the thought of how horrible combat must be--really shooting a person! Actually aiming it at the man across from you! You don't know him...He could be a great person, just like you, and have a family...loved ones...a life...dreams...but you killed him. There you have it. If that doesn't break your heart, I don't think it will ever be broken. I hate video games where you are shooting people. That's not funny it's sick and wrong and it de-sensitizes you into a senseless, numb person that feels nothing and cares for nothing.

I'm not against video games---but I am against the bad ones where you rob stores in them and kill people and do things which you say you would never do in real life, but you do it in video games. If you wouldn't do it don't do it. It's not any better in a virtual world!
Okay, enough about video games... :P Wow, I really went on about that :P Hope I didn't offend anyone.... :P
So, a little bit about what's going on in my life. I guess you have it there. I wasn't thinking when I was writing all of that and, suddenly, I try to think and nothing comes...funny. So I guess that's it for now. Kimberly~
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