Anyway, I'll probably remember it later. So now I'll just bore you with random stuff :P
We haven't gone to the beach for a long, long time. I guess it's because the waves are so big during the winter time (as if we actually had winter here!) and it's no fun swimming when you are getting pummeled. So we have stayed away from the beach.
Ugh, we've been having the most unusual weather here. It's been super cold! Really, even during he afternoon it's like 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit! I know, that's warm to all of you, but here it's pretty cold! Also, the wind has picked up in the last few days and that's made it even colder. In the area we live, we're known for our blasting wind that comes occasionally, but this wind has stuck around for almost two weeks! It's been on and off, but, still, it's been there.
After that weather forecast, I'll carry on :P

So that's what I've been doing once in a while.
I hope I can remember what I wanted to write.....Ugh, the side affects of short time memory loss.... Kimberly~
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