Well as you can see I have painted the headstock white.
Traditionally the headstock is painted black, but it didn't seem to match.
I bought abalone dot inlays to replace the white ones and a nut to replace the plastic one.
I bought abalone dot inlays to replace the white ones and a nut to replace the plastic one.

My dad and I have been talking about buying a mic so Kim can record properly. Even though I have found one I don't want be to fast to buy. First it takes a good deal of dedication of time and energy to record music and second Kim doesn't want to record with a mic.
She likes recording with the camcorder which for our level the perfect. Now I'd like to mention that if you saw Kim's latest production: yes I was in it; no I'm not doing it again.
I fully believe and know I can't sing. Amen.
Last thing I toke a PSAT at home today from a booklet. Score: 173 that's average I think. Top scores are 200 to 220
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