Sunday, January 4, 2009


How upsetting! I just wrote a long post and accidentally erased it all with no hope of getting it back! Computers can be so annoying at times...
Well, I guess I'll try to duplicate it.
Usually people make new years resolutions but I don't think I will be making one this year because people never keep them. I actually never have made one because it's always been sorta pointless. The idea of making a resolution in the beginning of the year with the idea lingering in the back of my head that they will probably forget about it in a few months is not something I want to do. Of course, I'm not against them and I don't think people who make them are bad! No! I just don't want to make one right now.
I do have goals, though, and plans that I hope to carry out. One of them is, like Nathan said, to practice guitar more often. We have had lessons for almost a year, but stopped them in October and ever since then we have been extremely lazy about working on something seriously. We do pick up the guitar and strum for a while, but we don't really work on anything new. So that's why we want to practice and keep up note reading and make sure our hands don't get weak.
But, let me tell you, it is very hard for us to even sit down and try to practice, which is why this is a big thing for us! We're like the two magnets with the same poles facing each other...rebelling and trying to push away...haha, that's a funny analogy! But, really, I am very stubborn when it comes to guitar and practicing with Nathan :P
The other day we went to the beach with some friends for almost the whole afternoon and it was really fun! Surprisingly, even though we live in Hawaii and have beautiful beaches within our reach, we don't go as often as we ought to. But we did have a lot of fun, although, the waves on the right side of the beach were really huge! I can swim alright, but I do NOT enjoy swimming with gigantic waves coming in with full force against me with the power to smash me into the sand! Not my thing, but thanks....So we went off to the left side where it was calmer.
We all got a few cuts and bruises from the rocks and stuff (some funny stories with them) but overall it was fun and I slept well that night from exhaustion---that shows how unfit I am!
Well, we might play tennis today so I'd better be off. God is so good.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I have ever made one New Years Resolution that I have actually kept. It never works. Like you said, you just end up forgetting about them in a few months. This year I'm really going to try though. ;)

    Remembering to practice an instrument is a pain. I gave up on a piano a while was just such a drag. I never made time for it..I really want to try to keep it up this year.


    Take care.
