Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's been up

Hi everyone
For everyone who doesn't know, I've been working on a Saga guitar kit I received from my parents. Because today I just laid on the first coats of paint I decided it was time to write something and post some pictures.
This is the plain headstock. I found a design I liked from a yamaha sg electric.

I cut the design with a coping saw and rasp (curved file)

Now the paint. As I said before natural with a stripe design
I cut out the design with a razor blade.

I did three coats. Now to take off the tape.. tomorrow


  1. Stay the course, son! It is indeed quite a project you've undertaken and I'm indeed in awe of your perserverance to see it to completion. Dad seems to be as involved as you are. I can't wait to see the finished guitar. Love you lots, mom.

  2. Thanks mom! Especially for you and Dad giving me the oppotunity.
