Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here to update on scary happenings!! :( By Michael :)

Dear All Who Read,

I have just went through a frightening experience. To big and scary to explain in the human language.....maybe I have to use some French here an there but that's no help to me, I don't know any French. Maybe the most that I know is that how you say it? Beside the point I had a super duper mega cyber and whatever else you say experience! What is the super duper mega cyber and whatever else you say experience was! Well I will tell you! What is it? Well I shall tell you! Good grief you think I am writing this post to bore your minds! That is only part of it. The super duper mega cyber ULTIMATE and whatever else you say experience was!!!!!!! Let me catch my breathe.....and finger power.....well it was......a dentist appointment! If you haven't fainted yet you are a very strong minded person, yes All Who Read, I was going through none other than a dentist appointment. Now if you still haven't fainted you are a person who does surgery to other people or a dentist. Now I won't excite you with the details but my dentist, and I won't mention names!.....Dr. Kubo. He was mangling me! Literally! I am surprised I am still alive from the conscious death to myself. I thought my days were over when I saw the light in my eyes....or was it just the light that they put on so they can see inside your mouth and you get a tan on your face? Whatever you call that blinding weapon it was used on me too! After a half hour they were done with me and my dad took us out for Chinese/Mexican food for lunch. That was the watered down version of that moment. ;) :) Sorry for the drama but I have to let out somewhere! I mean squeaky voices get to you after all. And all you Abeka academy students know exactly who I am talking about! Hahaha! I hope you had a good time reading this as I had typing it! Remember the Lord Jesus Loves you and is waiting for you to say hello! :)

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