Friday, June 19, 2009
Till Tomorrow
Out of clear lacquer so tomorrow I'll see if I can find some in Kona. If I can't I'll plan to assemble the guitar to do some sound tests and see how all the black parts fit the natural and white. I might just buy some white parts if the black doesn't look right.
Musically Kimberly and I are planning to record a song, but thats still a week away.
Kimberly and Michael's recording was great.
This Saturday we'll be going to watch and help the church worship team set up for Sunday. Then we'll go early Sunday when they practice.
i'm distracted right now. Can't think of much to post. I just like reporting not talking. oh well
next time.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

As you can see we made a few nicks and dents, but overall I think the guitar looks great. Also Kimberly and I learned how to better replace inlays next time. I love custom.
This post was all guitar wasn't it? Well on the flip side, I just finish the book This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti. Not only did I thoughly enjoy it, but the spiritual message is inspiring and awakening. I was so engrossed in this book that today I almost didn't notice we had an accident while driving to Waimea- and no I wasn't driving. And also I wasn't reading the time I could of had an accident when driving home from Puako- We are all safe so please don't worry. I am still driving though ( I'm not worrying abou that but you can).Joking, joking. This book rocks. Nuff said. (try that on a book report)
Monday, June 8, 2009
I bought abalone dot inlays to replace the white ones and a nut to replace the plastic one.

My dad and I have been talking about buying a mic so Kim can record properly. Even though I have found one I don't want be to fast to buy. First it takes a good deal of dedication of time and energy to record music and second Kim doesn't want to record with a mic.
She likes recording with the camcorder which for our level the perfect. Now I'd like to mention that if you saw Kim's latest production: yes I was in it; no I'm not doing it again.
I fully believe and know I can't sing. Amen.
Last thing I toke a PSAT at home today from a booklet. Score: 173 that's average I think. Top scores are 200 to 220
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In truth I've let the guitar take over my mind. I'm putting it back in the correct perspective.
To glorify God and learn a few things. I should also be focusing on learning about God and heavenly things.
Monday, June 1, 2009

For hardware I plan the upgrade the pickups and pickguard which is black.
Augghhh!! Blogger has an internal error and I can upload any pictures for the moment!Well I'll try tomorrow. bye